Which is correct about the sun’s energy on the earth’s surface?(1 point)

A. It warms the air masses.

B. It causes the changes in seasons.

C. It is evenly distributed.

D. It makes day and night possible.

A. It warms the air masses.

Which is correct about pressure distribution due to uneven heating of the earth’s surface?(1 point)

A. The air moves from high to low pressure systems.

B. The air moves from low to high pressure systems.

C. The pressure distribution remains the same.

D. The heating of the earth’s surface does not affect pressure.

A. The air moves from high to low pressure systems.

What happens when a wind hits a barrier like a mountain?(1 point)

A. It moves downwards with the same strength.

B. It breaks apart and move in all directions.

C. It is pushed upwards and spreads out.

D. It increases its intensity.

C. It is pushed upwards and spreads out.

Which describes the characteristics of a rain shadow on a mountainside?(1 point)

A. stronger winds

B. increased moisture

C. increased precipitation

D. uneven rainfall

D. uneven rainfall