Which expression is equivalent to -3w + 9 + 7w - 3?

-10w + 6
4w + 6
4w +12
-10w + 12

-10w + 12

incorrect. the answer is 4w + 6

Apologies for the mistake. You are correct. The expression -3w + 9 + 7w - 3 simplifies to 4w + 6.

To simplify the expression -3w + 9 + 7w - 3, you first need to combine the like terms.

-3w + 7w = 4w (Combine the w terms)
9 - 3 = 6 (Combine the constant terms)

So, the simplified expression is 4w + 6.

Therefore, the expression equivalent to -3w + 9 + 7w - 3 is 4w + 6.