Explain the committment to parents in PNGTSC code of ethics

The PNGTSC code of ethics emphasizes a strong commitment to parents. According to the code, members of the Papua New Guinea Teachers' Service Commission (PNGTSC) are expected to work in the best interests of parents and strive to foster positive and collaborative relationships with them.

Firstly, the code states that members should respect and acknowledge parents as important stakeholders in education. This implies recognizing the authority and rights that parents have over their children's education and involving them in decision-making processes, particularly in matters affecting their children's well-being and academic progress.

Furthermore, the code calls for members to maintain open and honest communication with parents. This means providing accurate and timely information about students' performance, behavior, and other relevant matters. It also involves listening to parents' concerns, opinions, and feedback, and addressing them in a respectful and constructive manner.

In addition, the code emphasizes the need for members to establish and maintain positive partnerships with parents. This entails creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where parents feel comfortable and encouraged to participate in their children's educational journey. Members are encouraged to collaborate with parents in setting goals and strategies for students' learning and development.

The commitment to parents also extends to promoting parental involvement in school activities and programs. The code encourages members to recognize and utilize the resources and expertise that parents can contribute to the school community. This may include volunteering, participating in parent-teacher associations, or supporting school events and initiatives.

Overall, the PNGTSC code of ethics underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting parents' role in education and actively engaging them in the educational process. By upholding this commitment, members of the commission promote a constructive and collaborative partnership with parents, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being and success of the students.

The PNGTSC (Papua New Guinea Teachers Service Commission) Code of Ethics outlines several commitments in relation to parents. Here's an explanation of the commitment to parents stated in the code:

1. Professionalism and Respect: Teachers commit to treating parents with professionalism, respecting their rights, opinions, and cultural diversity. This involves maintaining a courteous and collaborative attitude towards parents.

2. Communication and Engagement: Teachers commit to open and effective communication with parents. This includes keeping parents informed about their child's progress, achievements, areas for improvement, and any matters related to their education. Teachers should engage in regular discussions and consultations with parents to ensure a collaborative approach to the child's development.

3. Confidentiality: Teachers commit to maintaining confidentiality when dealing with parents. They should respect and protect the privacy of parents and their families, and only disclose relevant information with proper consent.

4. Support and Guidance: Teachers commit to providing guidance and support to parents. This includes assisting parents in understanding their child's educational needs and offering suggestions for involvement in their child's learning process. Teachers should also provide resources and information to help parents enhance their role in supporting their child's education.

5. Conflict Resolution: Teachers commit to fostering positive and constructive relationships with parents. In situations where conflicts arise, teachers should aim to resolve them through respectful and peaceful means, promoting dialogue, understanding, and compromise.

6. Parental Involvement: Teachers commit to encouraging and facilitating parental involvement in their child's education. They should recognize and value the contribution and efforts of parents in supporting their child's learning, and create opportunities for parents to actively participate in school activities, events, and decision-making processes.

7. Advocacy: Teachers commit to advocating for the welfare and rights of parents and their children. They should seek to address any systemic issues that may hinder parents' involvement in their child's education, and strive for equitable and inclusive educational practices.

While this provides an overview of the commitment to parents in the PNGTSC Code of Ethics, it's important to consult the original document for a comprehensive understanding.