as you paging through a report file you came across a report of complaint about the poor relationship your college has with its internal stakeholders. referring to your notes on the presentation by the HR clerk clerk, identify five current relationship and advise your mentor on possible strategies that could be put in place to improve relations with different stakeholders within the college.

Based on the presentation by the HR clerk, here are five current relationships within the college that need improvement:

1. Relationship with faculty members: Faculty members are vital stakeholders within the college, and it is crucial to have a strong relationship with them. Possible strategies to improve relations could include regular meetings between faculty and management to address concerns and feedback, creating an open-door policy for faculty to express their opinions, and organizing events or workshops that promote collaboration and communication between faculty members and management.

2. Relationship with support staff: Support staff, such as administrative assistants, technicians, and maintenance staff, play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of the college. To improve relations with them, management could consider conducting regular feedback surveys to address any issues or concerns, implementing recognition and reward programs to appreciate their contributions, and providing opportunities for professional growth and development.

3. Relationship with students: Students are the main beneficiaries of college services, so it is essential to have a positive relationship with them. Strategies to improve relations with students could include creating student committees that allow for their input in decision-making processes, establishing regular communication channels (e.g., suggestion boxes, online forums) to address their concerns, and organizing events or activities that foster student engagement and involvement.

4. Relationship with parents: Parents often play a significant role in a student's educational journey and can influence their perception of the college. To enhance relations with parents, the college could arrange parent-teacher conferences or information sessions to address their queries, establish a dedicated helpline or email for parental inquiries and concerns, and regularly update parents on college activities and achievements through newsletters or dedicated communication channels.

5. Relationship with alumni: Alumni form a valuable network and can contribute to the college's reputation and growth. Strategies to improve relations with alumni could include organizing alumni networking events, creating mentorship programs where alumni can provide guidance to current students, and utilizing social media platforms to maintain regular communication and updates with alumni.

Overall, the key to improving relations with stakeholders within the college is to establish effective communication channels, encourage feedback, and provide opportunities for collaboration and engagement. Regular interaction and addressing concerns appropriately will contribute to a positive and productive relationship with internal stakeholders.

Based on my notes on the presentation by the HR clerk, here are five current relationships that have been identified as poor within the college:

1. Relationship with Faculty Members: Faculty members feel disconnected and unsupported by the administration.
2. Relationship with Staff Members: Staff members perceive a lack of communication and appreciation from the college management.
3. Relationship with Students: Students feel that their concerns and suggestions are not heard or taken seriously.
4. Relationship with Alumni: Alumni express dissatisfaction with the lack of engagement and opportunities to give back to the college.
5. Relationship with Parents: Parents feel that they are not adequately informed or involved in the college community.

To improve relations with different stakeholders, the following strategies could be implemented:

1. Faculty Members:
- Establish regular meetings or forums for faculty members to voice their concerns and provide feedback.
- Create opportunities for collaboration and professional development to enhance faculty involvement and satisfaction.
- Recognize and reward outstanding performance and contributions from faculty members.

2. Staff Members:
- Improve communication channels by organizing regular town hall meetings or implementing an employee feedback platform.
- Provide training and resources to enhance staff members' skills and job satisfaction.
- Show appreciation for their efforts through recognition programs or incentives.

3. Students:
- Develop channels for students to share their concerns, such as suggestion boxes or online platforms.
- Establish student advisory boards or committees to give them a voice in decision-making processes.
- Enhance student support services, including counseling and career guidance programs.

4. Alumni:
- Create networking events or mentorship programs to engage alumni with current students.
- Regularly update alumni on college achievements and initiatives through newsletters or social media platforms.
- Provide opportunities for alumni to contribute to the college through guest lectures, internships, or fundraising initiatives.

5. Parents:
- Conduct regular parent-teacher meetings or forums to address their concerns and keep them informed.
- Establish communication channels, such as a parent portal, to share important updates and information.
- Organize events or workshops to involve parents in the college community.

It is important to note that these strategies should be tailored to the specific needs and culture of the college. Regular evaluation and feedback from stakeholders can help assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and make necessary adjustments.