21. It is a temperature of 3,150K. Using the table above, what spectral type is Luyten's Star? *

1 point


Based on the temperature of 3,150K, Luyten's Star would be classified as an M spectral type.

To determine the spectral type of Luyten's Star based on the given temperature, we can refer to the spectral type and temperature table:

Spectral Type: Temperature (K)
O | >30,000
B | 10,000-30,000
A | 7,500-10,000
F | 6,000-7,500
G | 5,000-6,000
K | 3,500-5,000
M | <3,500

Since the temperature of Luyten's Star is 3,150K, which falls within the range of 3,500-5,000K, the spectral type of Luyten's Star would be K.