What is a phase that our sun, a small to average sized star, will never experience?

1 point

Red Giant


White Dwarf



The phase that our sun, a small to average sized star, will never experience is a supernova. To understand why the sun will not go through a supernova phase, we need to know the characteristics and life cycle of stars.

Stars like our sun have a lifecycle that can be broadly divided into several phases. The first phase is the formation of the star from a molecular cloud. Once formed, the star enters a long and stable phase called the main sequence, during which it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. This is what our sun is currently doing and will continue to do for about another 5 billion years.

After spending a long time in the main sequence, a star begins to exhaust its hydrogen fuel. At this point, the star enters a new phase called the red giant phase. During this phase, the star expands and becomes larger, while its core contracts and becomes hotter. In the red giant phase, the sun will become much bigger than its current size and will eventually envelop the inner planets like Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth.

After the red giant phase, smaller stars like our sun will shed their outer layers, forming a shell of gas and dust known as a planetary nebula. The core that remains will collapse and become a white dwarf, which slowly cools down over billions of years.

However, stars like our sun do not have enough mass to undergo a supernova explosion. Supernovae occur in more massive stars, typically at least several times larger than our sun. A supernova is an incredibly energetic event that results in a massive explosion, releasing a tremendous amount of energy and producing heavy elements. This explosion typically marks the end of a massive star's life, leaving behind either a neutron star or a black hole.

In summary, the sun, being a small to average sized star, will go through phases such as the main sequence, red giant, and white dwarf but will never experience a supernova.

The phase that our sun, a small to average-sized star, will never experience is the supernova phase.