What kind of material is being referenced schirm,(2013) Quality of life.In IM.Lubkin &PDLarsen (Eds). Chronic illness impact and interventions (8th ed,pp.183_206) Burlington,MA

The material being referenced is a chapter titled "Quality of Life" by Schirm, in the eighth edition of the book "Chronic Illness: Impact and Interventions." The book is edited by IM. Lubkin and PD Larsen. The specific page range for the chapter is 183-206. The location of the publisher is Burlington, MA.

The material being referenced is a chapter titled "Quality of Life" by Schirm, published in 2013. It is part of a book called "Chronic Illness Impact and Interventions" edited by IM. Lubkin and PD Larsen. Specifically, it is the 8th edition of the book, and the chapter can be found on pages 183 to 206. The book was published in Burlington, MA.