You need cups of sugar to make 20 cookies To make 8 cookies, you will need Incorrect cups of sugar.

To make 8 cookies, you will need approximately cups of sugar.

To find the correct amount of cups of sugar needed to make 8 cookies, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's call the unknown amount of cups of sugar needed for 8 cookies "x".
We can set up the following proportion:
20 cookies / x cups of sugar = 8 cookies / 1 cup of sugar
To solve for "x", we can cross multiply and then divide:
20 * 1 = 8 * x
20 = 8x
Dividing both sides of the equation by 8:
20/8 = x
2.5 = x
Therefore, to make 8 cookies, you would need 2.5 cups of sugar.