Continue to play the simulation. This simulation will go on and on for eternity if we let it. This simulation is in what we call a Closed System. We are only looking at the variables we want to in this simulation. In the Real World (Open System), if we had a Pendulum like this, it would eventually stop. Explain why it would stop in the Real World.

In the Real World (Open System), a pendulum would eventually come to a stop due to various external factors that are not accounted for in the Closed System simulation. These factors include:

1. Energy dissipation: Every time a pendulum swings, it loses a small amount of energy in the form of air resistance, friction at its pivot point, and internal friction within the pendulum itself. Over time, these dissipative forces gradually sap the pendulum's energy, causing it to swing with smaller amplitude until it eventually stops.

2. Damping: In the Real World, a pendulum experiences damping effects due to air resistance and its interaction with the surrounding environment. This damping force opposes the motion of the pendulum and converts its kinetic energy into other forms of energy, resulting in its gradual deceleration and eventual halt.

3. External disturbances: In an open system, a pendulum is inevitably subjected to various external disturbances such as vibrations, gravitational waves, or mechanical disturbances caused by nearby objects or the Earth's movements. These disturbances disrupt the ideal motion of the pendulum, creating irregularities that gradually affect its swinging, leading to a loss of energy and ultimately causing it to stop.

4. Consideration of thermal effects: The Closed System simulation may not account for thermal effects resulting from friction and energy dissipation. In the Real World, friction generates heat, causing a slight increase in temperature within the pendulum's components. This thermal energy further contributes to the overall loss of energy and gradual decay of the pendulum's motion.

Since these external factors constantly act on a pendulum in the Real World, it cannot continue its motion indefinitely and will eventually come to rest. This cessation of motion aligns with the principles of thermodynamics, specifically the conservation of energy, which dictates that energy is continuously transformed and ultimately dissipates within an open system.

Now place your skateboarder at the 6 meters mark and let the investigation play out. You can play it at Normal Speed. What happened and why?

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As per the simulation, when the skateboarder is placed at the 6 meters mark and the investigation is played out at normal speed, we can observe the following occurring:

The skateboarder starts moving towards the lower end of the ramp due to the force of gravity acting on them. As they move down the ramp, their potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing their speed to increase.

As the skateboarder reaches the bottom of the ramp, they are traveling at a high speed. At this point, their kinetic energy is at its maximum. However, the skateboarder's kinetic energy starts to decrease as they move up the opposite side of the ramp.

The decrease in kinetic energy is a result of the work done by gravity against the skateboarder's motion. As they move up the ramp, gravity acts in the opposite direction, slowing them down and converting their kinetic energy back into potential energy.

As the skateboarder reaches the top of the ramp, their speed decreases significantly. At this point, their kinetic energy is almost fully converted back into potential energy. The skateboarder comes to a temporary stop before reversing their direction and starting to move back down the ramp again.

The skateboarder repeats the same process, oscillating between the upward and downward motions on the ramp. However, due to the inherent frictional forces present in the Real World (Open System), such as air resistance and friction at the skateboard-ramp interface, the skateboarder gradually loses energy with each oscillation.

As a consequence of the energy dissipation and external forces acting upon the skateboarder, their oscillations become smaller and smaller over time. Eventually, the skateboarder's motion comes to a complete halt, signifying the cessation of the investigation.

If we could increase the height of the ramp to start at 12 meters. How would this affect the overall Kinetic & Potential Energy of the investigation? Explain why.

If the height of the ramp is increased to start at 12 meters, it would have a significant impact on the overall kinetic and potential energy of the investigation. Here's why:

1. Potential Energy: The potential energy of an object is directly proportional to its height and its mass. By increasing the height of the ramp, the initial potential energy of the skateboarder at the starting point would also increase. This is because potential energy is determined by the gravitational potential energy formula: PE = mgh, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

Therefore, starting the skateboarder at 12 meters instead of 6 meters would result in a higher potential energy at the beginning of the investigation. This additional potential energy would subsequently be converted into kinetic energy as the skateboarder moves down the ramp.

2. Kinetic Energy: The kinetic energy of an object is given by the formula KE = 0.5mv^2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity. As the skateboarder moves down the ramp, their potential energy decreases, and this energy is converted into kinetic energy according to the conservation of energy.

With an increased initial potential energy due to the higher starting height, the skateboarder would experience a higher initial velocity as they move down the ramp. This higher velocity would result in an increased kinetic energy compared to a situation where the ramp starts at 6 meters.

Therefore, increasing the height of the ramp to start at 12 meters would lead to both a higher initial potential energy and a higher initial kinetic energy in the investigation. This change in energy distribution would affect the overall dynamics of the skateboarder's motion, resulting in differences in their speed, oscillations, and eventual outcome compared to a starting height of 6 meters.

Increase the Mass of the skater to Large by using the slider in the gray box for mass. How does the mass of the skater change the total amount of energy?

Increasing the mass of the skater to a large value would have an impact on the total amount of energy in the investigation. Here's how the mass of the skater affects the energy:

1. Potential Energy: The potential energy of an object is directly proportional to its mass. By increasing the skater's mass, the potential energy of the system also increases. This is because the formula for gravitational potential energy (PE = mgh) includes the mass of the object.

Therefore, with a larger mass, the potential energy of the skater at any given height would be higher compared to a situation where the skater has a smaller mass.

2. Kinetic Energy: The kinetic energy of an object is proportional to the square of its velocity and is independent of mass. According to the formula KE = 0.5mv^2, both the mass and velocity contribute to the kinetic energy.

However, since the increase in mass is not coupled with any change in velocity in this scenario, the kinetic energy of the skater would remain the same. The mass of the skater does not directly impact the amount of kinetic energy, assuming the velocity remains constant.

3. Total Energy: The total energy of the system, considering both potential and kinetic energy, would increase with an increase in the skater's mass.

As the potential energy increases with a larger mass, the total amount of energy in the system (combination of potential and kinetic energy) would also increase. This increase in total energy reflects the additional energy stored in the system due to the increased mass of the skater.

In summary, increasing the mass of the skater to a large value would result in a higher potential energy and thus a larger total energy in the system. The kinetic energy, however, would remain the same unless there is a change in velocity.

. Based on the information given in the table, the skateboarder has the greatest potential energy at point A. Explain why

To accurately determine why the skateboarder has the greatest potential energy at point A based on the information in the table, we will need access to the specific values or measurements provided in the table. Without such information, a precise explanation cannot be provided. However, I can still offer a general explanation that applies to most scenarios involving potential energy and the positioning of the skateboarder.

Potential energy is directly related to an object's position relative to a reference point. In the case of a skateboarder on a ramp, the reference point is usually considered the lowest position or the starting point of the ramp. As the skateboarder moves higher up the ramp, their position relative to the reference point increases, resulting in an increase in potential energy.

In a typical situation, assuming a constant gravitational acceleration and no other external forces acting on the skateboarder, the skateboarder's potential energy will be at its maximum at the highest point on the ramp. This is because at that point, the skateboarder is the furthest distance away from the reference point or the lowest position, indicating a higher position on the ramp. Hence, the potential energy would reach its peak at point A, the highest point on the ramp, before decreasing as the skateboarder moves downwards.

However, please note that for an accurate analysis, specific measurement values such as the ramp's height, the skateboarder's mass, or other relevant variables from the table's information would be required.

2. At which point in the image, would the skateboarder have the greatest Kinetic Energy & Why?