8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" can be described by which algebraic expression?

(1 point)

12x – 8
12 x – 8

8 – 12x
8 – 12 x

12 – 8x
12 – 8 x

8x – 12
8 x – 12

12x – 8


"8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" can be described by which algebraic expression?
(1 point)
12x – 8
8 – 12x
12 – 8x
8x – 12

The algebraic expression that represents "8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" is 12x - 8.

To express "8 less than the product of 12 and a number x" as an algebraic expression, we can start by translating "the product of 12 and a number x" into the expression 12x. Next, we can subtract 8 from this expression to represent "8 less than the product of 12 and x." Therefore, the correct algebraic expression is 12x - 8.