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To calculate 19 + (-14), you simply add the two numbers together:

19 + (-14) = 5

So, the answer is 5.


To calculate -5 + (-1), you simply add the two numbers together:

-5 + (-1) = -6

So, the answer is -6.


To calculate -18 - 14, you simply subtract the second number from the first:

-18 - 14 = -32

So, the answer is -32.

try again

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. To calculate -18 - 14 correctly, you would subtract 14 from -18:

-18 - 14 = -32

So, the correct answer is still -32.

A commercial jet liner hits an air pocket and drops 250 feet. After climbing 170 ​feet, it drops another 130 feet. What is its overall vertical​ change?