What is 17 4/9 + 59 − 8 − 10?

To solve this expression, we will perform the operations in the following order:

First, we simplify the mixed number 4/9 by converting it to an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (17) by the denominator (9) and add the numerator (4):

17 * 9 + 4 = 153 + 4 = 157

Now we have the expression:

157/9 + 59 - 8 - 10

Next, we need to find a common denominator for 157/9 and 9/1. Since the denominator of the first fraction is already 9, we can use it as the common denominator.

157/9 + 59 - 8 - 10

The next step is to multiply the whole number (59) by the common denominator (9):

59 * 9 = 531

Now our expression becomes:

157/9 + 531/9 - 8 - 10

Combining the fractions with the common denominator:

(157 + 531)/9 - 8 - 10

(688)/9 - 8 - 10

Now we subtract the fractions:

688/9 - 8 - 10

To perform the subtraction of fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, we can convert 8 and 10 to fractions with a denominator of 9:

8/1 * 9/9 = 72/9

10/1 * 9/9 = 90/9

Now the expression becomes:

688/9 - 72/9 - 90/9

Now we can subtract the fractions:

(688 - 72 - 90)/9


Therefore, the final result is 526/9.

To solve the expression 17 4/9 + 59 - 8 - 10, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 17 4/9 to an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (17) by the denominator (9), add the numerator (4), and write the sum as the new numerator over the denominator. In this case, the conversion is (17 * 9 + 4) / 9 = 157/9.

Step 2: Add the fractions first.
Since the expression includes the fraction 4/9, we need to add it to the whole number.
157/9 + 59 = (157 + 59 * 9) / 9 = (157 + 531) / 9 = 688/9.

Step 3: Subtract the remaining numbers from the fraction result.
688/9 - 8 = (688 - 8 * 9) /9 = (688 - 72) / 9 = 616/9.

Step 4: Subtract the last number.
616/9 - 10 = (616 - 10 * 9) / 9 = (616 - 90) / 9 = 526/9.

So, the final answer is 526/9.