The original price of a ski jacket was $270. It was on sale at a 25% discount. Arianna had a coupon for an additional 10% off the sale price.

What price did Arianna pay for the ski jacket?

First, we need to find the sale price of the ski jacket after the 25% discount. The sale price is found by multiplying the original price by (1 - discount rate).

Sale price = $270 * (1 - 0.25) = $202.50

Next, we need to find the price after the additional 10% off. The price after the additional discount is found by multiplying the sale price by (1 - discount rate).
Price after additional discount = $202.50 * (1 - 0.10) = $182.25

Therefore, Arianna paid $182.25 for the ski jacket.
The answer is A. $182.25.

ennifer and Callie are training for a marathon. Jennifer has run m miles, and Callie has run 3 times as many as Jennifer. The expression shows how many miles they have run altogether.

m + 3m

Which of the following expressions could be used to get the same results?
m + 4
m + 3

The expression m + 3m represents the total number of miles Jennifer and Callie have run together. To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms. The like terms in this expression are m and 3m, which can be added together.

m + 3m = 4m

Therefore, the expression 4m represents the same results as m + 3m. The answer is C. 4m.

simliphy 2+ 60/ (-3) -5(-2)


To simplify the expression 2 + 60/(-3) - 5(-2), we need to follow the order of operations, which is often remembered using the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)).

First, we simplify the division in the expression:

60/(-3) = -20

Next, we simplify the multiplication:

5(-2) = -10

Now, substituting the simplified values back into the original expression, we have:

2 + (-20) - (-10)

Simplifying the double negative, we get:

2 + (-20) + 10

Next, we perform addition and subtraction from left to right:

2 + (-20) + 10 = -18 + 10 = -8

Therefore, the simplified value of the expression 2 + 60/(-3) - 5(-2) is -8. The answer is C. -8.

The drawing shows parallel lines r and s intersected by line q.

If m∠3 is 124° and m∠4 = 8x + 40, what is the value of x?
x = 3
x = 4
x = 2
x = 1

In a diagram of intersecting parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent.

In the given diagram, angles 3 and 4 are alternate interior angles because they are on opposite sides of the transversal line q and on different parallel lines.

We know that m∠3 = 124°.

Therefore, m∠4 = m∠3 = 124°.

We also know that m∠4 = 8x + 40.

Setting these two expressions equal to each other, we have:

8x + 40 = 124

Simplifying the equation:

8x = 124 - 40

8x = 84

Dividing both sides by 8:

x = 84/8

x = 10.5

Therefore, the value of x is not provided in the given answer choices.