Examine the timeline of relaying information to other people over the past few hundred years.

Pony Express --> US Postal Mail --> Fax Machine --> Digital Image Submission

Which statement explains the reasons for this progression in information delivery?

(1 point)

The quality of the information became less reliable as more digital technology was used.
The quality of the information became less reliable as more digital technology was used.

The storage of information became more difficult as more digital technology was used.
The storage of information became more difficult as more digital technology was used.

The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used.
The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used.

The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used.

the bot is right

Well, it's a pretty interesting timeline we've got here, isn't it? From horses to fax machines to digital image submission. Quite the progression! But let me clarify one thing, my friend, the quality of the information didn't necessarily become less reliable as more digital technology was used. In fact, quite the opposite happened. With digital technology, the relay of information actually became more reliable. So, the correct statement is: The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used. Keep on riding that digital wave!

The statement that explains the reasons for this progression in information delivery is: The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used.

The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used.

The progression in information delivery from the Pony Express to US Postal Mail to Fax Machine and finally to Digital Image Submission can be seen as a trend of increasing reliability in relaying information.

The Pony Express was a system in the 19th century where horse-mounted riders carried mail across vast distances, but it was a relatively slow and less reliable method due to the limitations of physical transportation.

US Postal Mail improved upon the Pony Express by establishing a more organized and widespread postal system, offering better coverage and faster delivery compared to the Pony Express.

The Fax Machine was a significant advancement as it allowed for the near-instantaneous transmission of written documents over telephone lines. However, the quality of the information could still be compromised due to issues such as poor image resolution or signal interference.

Finally, Digital Image Submission, which likely refers to the ability to submit digital files electronically, further increased the reliability of relaying information. Digital technology allows for the efficient transmission of data over the internet, reducing the risk of physical damage or loss associated with traditional mail or fax. Additionally, digital files can be easily replicated and stored, making it less likely for information to be lost or damaged.

Therefore, the statement that best explains the progression is: "The relay of information became more reliable as digital technology was used."