Convert 0.5¯¯¯ to a fraction.(1 point)

To convert 0.5¯ to a fraction, we need to determine the fraction that represents the repeating decimal.

Let's call the repeating decimal x:
x = 0.555...

Now, we multiply x by 10 to move the decimal point to the right:
10x = 5.555...

Subtracting x from 10x, we can eliminate the repeating decimals:
10x - x = 5.555... - 0.555...
9x = 5

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 9:
9x/9 = 5/9
x = 5/9

So, 0.5¯ is equal to 5/9.

To convert 0.5¯¯¯ (repeating decimal) to a fraction, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let x = 0.5¯¯¯

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 10 (to shift the decimal point one place to the right) to get 10x = 5.5¯¯¯

Step 3: Subtract the original equation (Step 1) from the equation in Step 2 to eliminate the repeating decimal:
10x - x = 5.5¯¯¯ - 0.5¯¯¯
9x = 5

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 9 to solve for x:
9x/9 = 5/9
x = 5/9

Therefore, 0.5¯¯¯ can be converted to the fraction 5/9.