Solve the mathematical problem involving absolute value 1/2 -8+10-4

To solve the mathematical problem involving absolute value, let's simplify the expression step-by-step:

1/2 - 8 + 10 - 4

First, perform the addition and subtraction operations within the parentheses:

1/2 - 8 + 10 - 4 = 1/2 + 10 - 12

Next, add the fractions 1/2 + 10:

1/2 + 10 = 1/2 + 20/2 = (1 + 20)/2 = 21/2

Now, substitute the result back into the original expression:

21/2 - 12

To combine fractions with different denominators, find a common denominator, which in this case is 2:

21/2 - 12 = 21/2 - 24/2 = (21 - 24)/2 = -3/2

Therefore, the final solution to the given expression involving absolute value is -3/2.

To solve this mathematical problem involving absolute value, we need to simplify the expression step by step.

First, let's rearrange the order of the terms:

1/2 - 8 + 10 - 4

Next, let's evaluate the absolute value part of the expression:

|1/2 - 8 + 10 - 4|

Now, let's simplify the expression within the absolute value:

|1/2 - 8 + 10 - 4|
| -7 + 10 - 4 |
| 3 - 4 |
| -1 |

Therefore, the value of the expression involving absolute value 1/2 - 8 + 10 - 4 is -1.