1. What is the function of the economic institution???

2. Briefly discuss how thd division of labour becomes more complex as societies develop from hunter-gather societies to post-industrial societies . Briefly mention how the division pf labour impacta solidarity.

1. The function of an economic institution is to organize and facilitate the production, allocation, and distribution of goods and services within a society or an economy. It sets the rules, regulations, and mechanisms through which economic activities are conducted, such as establishing property rights, enforcing contracts, providing financial services, and regulating markets.

2. In hunter-gatherer societies, the division of labor is relatively simple, with individuals collectively performing various tasks necessary for survival, such as hunting, gathering, and shelter-building. As societies develop and transition to agrarian, industrial, and eventually post-industrial societies, the division of labor becomes more complex. Specialization emerges, where individuals and groups focus on specific occupations or industries, leading to a more sophisticated and interconnected system of production.

This complexity is driven by advances in technology, increased population size, and the need for efficiency and economic growth. As societies progress, specialized professions and occupations emerge, such as farmers, artisans, merchants, and eventually a wide range of specialized jobs in the post-industrial era, such as software developers or financial analysts.

The impact of the division of labor on solidarity varies depending on the type of society. In hunter-gatherer societies, where there is a higher degree of interdependence and communal sharing, solidarity is based on collective survival goals and is usually stronger. However, as societies develop and become more complex, the division of labor can lead to a decrease in social solidarity.

In post-industrial societies, for example, people may become more individualistic, focused on their own specialized roles and occupations, and less connected to the broader community. This can lead to a decline in social cohesion, as people are more disconnected from each other and have less shared experiences and goals. On the other hand, the division of labor can also foster solidarity through the creation of diverse social networks and interdependence between individuals and groups who rely on each other's specialized skills and services.

1. The economic institution serves as a framework that organizes and facilitates economic activities within a society. It involves the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The key functions of the economic institution include resource allocation, economic coordination, price determination, and income distribution.

2. The division of labor becomes more complex as societies develop from hunter-gatherer societies to post-industrial societies due to several factors. Initially, in hunter-gatherer societies, division of labor was relatively simple, with individuals performing a wide range of tasks required for survival, such as hunting, gathering, and childcare.

However, as societies advance and specialize, the division of labor becomes more intricate. With the advent of agriculture, people began to specialize in specific agricultural tasks, leading to surpluses in food production. This allowed others to focus on specialized crafts, trade, and other economic activities.

As societies further progressed, industrialization and urbanization led to more specialized and fragmented tasks within the workforce. With the rise of factories, each worker became responsible for a specific task within the production process.

The division of labor impacts solidarity within societies in various ways. In hunter-gatherer societies, where everyone shares similar tasks, solidarity is high as individuals depend on one another for survival. However, as societies develop and individuals specialize in specific tasks, interdependence among people increases. This interdependence can foster social cohesion and solidarity as people rely on each other for goods and services.

On the other hand, the division of labor can also create a sense of individualism and competition. As people become more specialized in their tasks, they may become disconnected from a broader understanding of society and more focused on their specific role. This can potentially weaken social solidarity and increase social stratification.

Overall, as societies advance and the division of labor becomes more complex, it influences the nature of solidarity, both positively and negatively, by creating interdependence and specialization while also potentially fostering individualism and competition.