Very short, sincere 1 year anniversary message to my girlfriend after many rough patches, including the one we're going through now

Happy 1-year anniversary, my love. Despite the challenges and rough patches we've faced, our bond has only grown stronger. Thank you for your unwavering support and for standing by me even in our current struggle. I cherish every moment we've shared and believe in the brighter days ahead. Here's to us, and the love that keeps us going.

Writing a sincere 1-year anniversary message can help convey your feelings and offer reassurance during the rough patches. Here's a step-by-step guide to composing a short and heartfelt message for your girlfriend:

Step 1: Start with an expression of love and appreciation.
Begin by addressing your girlfriend directly and expressing your love and appreciation for her. Use words like "my love," "my dearest," or her name to make it personal and endearing.

Step 2: Acknowledge the challenges you've faced together.
Mention that you both have been through many rough patches, including the one you're currently going through. This shows that you are aware of the difficulties you both have faced and are willing to confront them together.

Step 3: Emphasize your commitment and dedication.
Reassure her that despite the challenges, you remain fully committed and dedicated to the relationship. Let her know that your love for her remains strong and unwavering.

Step 4: Express gratitude for her support.
Thank her for standing by your side throughout the ups and downs. Let her know that her support, understanding, and love have been integral in overcoming the obstacles you've faced.

Step 5: End with a positive outlook for the future.
Conclude your message with a note of optimism. Express your excitement for the future and your belief that the love you share will continue to grow even stronger.

Here's a sample message that incorporates these steps:

"Dear [her name],
Happy 1-year anniversary, my love. I want you to know how grateful I am to have you by my side. We have faced many rough patches over the past year, and the one we're going through now is no exception. But through it all, I want you to know that my commitment to you and our relationship remains unwavering. Your love, support, and understanding have been the anchor in my life, and I can't thank you enough for that. Despite the challenges, I believe in us, and I'm excited about the future we will continue to build together. Here's to many more years of love, growth, and overcoming obstacles together.
With all my love,
[Your name]"