Given two points (0,3) and (-1,3)

draw a straight line joining these two points
What's the equation of this straight line
What is gradient of this straight line
What does the gradient indicate about this line in relation to the x-axis

To draw a straight line joining two points (0,3) and (-1,3), plot these points on a coordinate grid and connect them with a line.

Using the points (0,3) and (-1,3), we can find the equation of the straight line using the point-slope form. The equation is given by:

y - y₁ = m(x - x₁),

where (x₁, y₁) represents one of the given points, and m represents the gradient (slope) of the line.

Using the point (0,3) as (x₁, y₁), the equation becomes:

y - 3 = m(x - 0),

y - 3 = mx.

Since the y-coordinate of both given points is 3, we can say that the line is a horizontal line as it doesn't change its height (y-coordinate) as x changes.

The gradient (slope) of this straight line is 0. As the gradient represents the change in the y-coordinate for a given change in the x-coordinate, a gradient of 0 indicates that there is no change in the y-coordinate as x increases or decreases. This means that the line is parallel to the x-axis.

To draw a straight line joining the points (0,3) and (-1,3), you would plot these two points on a coordinate plane.

First, locate the point (0,3). Since the x-coordinate is 0, this point will lie on the y-axis, with a y-coordinate of 3.

Next, locate the point (-1,3). This point will be one unit to the left of the y-axis, with a y-coordinate of 3.

Now, draw a straight line that passes through both points. This line will be horizontal since both points have the same y-coordinate of 3.

The equation of a straight line can be written in the form y = mx + b, where m is the gradient (slope) of the line and b is the y-intercept.

In this case, since the line is horizontal, the gradient (m) is 0. Therefore, the equation of the straight line is y = 3.

The gradient indicates the steepness or slope of a line. In this case, with a gradient of 0, it means the line is perfectly horizontal and parallel to the x-axis.