Blank are rewardable resources because they can be placed in a short time blank are non-rewardable resources because they cannot be replaced or can only be replaced over millions of years

Renewable resources are rewardable resources because they can be replaced relatively quickly. Non-renewable resources are non-rewardable resources because they cannot be replaced or can only be replaced over millions of years.

Short answer:

Renewable resources are rewardable resources because they can be replenished relatively quickly. Non-renewable resources are non-rewardable resources because they cannot be replaced or can only be replaced over millions of years.

Expanded answer:

1. Renewable resources:
Renewable resources are rewardable resources because they can be replenished or regenerated within a relatively short period of time. These resources are typically replaced at the same rate or faster than they are consumed. Examples of renewable resources include:

- Solar energy: Sunlight can be converted into electricity through solar panels.
- Wind energy: Wind can be harnessed to generate electricity using wind turbines.
- Hydroelectric power: The flow of water through rivers or dams can be used to generate electricity.
- Biomass: Organic waste materials such as agricultural residues or wood can be used to produce heat or electricity.

These resources are considered rewardable because they can be used repeatedly without being depleted, as long as they are managed sustainably. In other words, their use does not lead to their permanent loss.

2. Non-renewable resources:
Non-renewable resources are non-rewardable resources because they cannot be replenished within a short timeframe or are replaced extremely slowly, typically over millions of years. Once these resources are consumed, they cannot be easily replaced. Examples of non-renewable resources include:

- Fossil fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas are finite resources formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals over millions of years.
- Minerals: Metals like iron, copper, and aluminum, as well as precious resources like gold and diamonds, are also non-renewable and take millions of years to form.

Since non-renewable resources are limited in quantity, their extraction and use can lead to their depletion. As a result, they are considered non-rewardable because they cannot be readily replaced once exhausted. Additionally, the extraction and use of non-renewable resources often have negative environmental impacts.