The Becker Department Store's basement is 15 feet below ground. If the total length of the building from basement to roof is 70 feet, what is the building's elevation above ground?(1 point)


55 feet
55 feet

85 feet
85 feet

65 feet
65 feet

70 feet

To find the elevation above ground, we subtract the depth of the basement from the total length of the building:

70 feet - 15 feet = 55 feet

Therefore, the building's elevation above ground is 55 feet.


Remember to use the order of operations (PEMDAS).

Using the order of operations, we first perform the multiplication:

8 * 9 = 72
2 * 5 = 10

Next, we subtract the products:

72 - 10 = 62

Therefore, 8 * 9 - 2 * 5 equals 62.

If the absolute value of x is 5, what is the value of x?(1 point)


-25 or 25
-25 or 25



-5 or 5

The absolute value of a number is always positive or zero. So, if the absolute value of x is 5, the possible values of x are -5 or 5. Therefore, the value of x can be either -5 or 5.

Determine the sign of the product of −29×17. Enter + for positive or ­­­– for negative.

The product of -29 and 17 is negative. Therefore, the sign of the product is -.