Convert 0.6¯¯¯ to a fraction, reduced to lowest terms.(1 point)

To convert 0.6¯¯¯ to a fraction, we can multiply both sides of the decimal by 10 to remove the repeating decimal.

Let x = 0.6¯¯¯.

Multiplying both sides by 10 gives:
10x = 6.¯¯¯

Now, subtracting x from 10x on the right side:

10x - x = 6.¯¯¯ - 0.6¯¯¯

9x = 6

Dividing both sides by 9, we get:

x = 6/9

Thus, 0.6¯¯¯ is equivalent to the fraction 6/9, which can be reduced to lowest terms as 2/3.

To convert 0.6¯¯¯ to a fraction, we can use algebraic manipulation.

Let x = 0.6¯¯¯.

Now, we can multiply both sides of the equation by a power of 10 to get rid of the repeating decimal.

10x = 6.¯¯¯

Next, we can subtract x from both sides of the equation.

10x - x = 6.¯¯¯ - 0.6¯¯¯
9x = 6.¯¯¯ - 0.6¯¯¯
9x = 6

To get the fraction form, we divide both sides of the equation by 9.

9x/9 = 6/9
x = 2/3

Therefore, 0.6¯¯¯ is equal to the fraction 2/3 reduced to lowest terms.