Discuss what kind of person will be suitable for interview i. e a person who was directly affected by the law

A person who was directly affected by the law can provide valuable insights and firsthand experiences that can greatly enhance an interview. Such individuals possess a unique perspective and understanding of the law's impact on their lives and communities. They can offer personal anecdotes and real-life examples that add depth and authenticity to the conversation.

Here are some characteristics that would make a person affected by the law suitable for an interview:

1. Personal experience: Someone who has experienced the law's impact firsthand can speak directly to the challenges, benefits, and consequences it has had on their life. Their experiences can provide a comprehensive and nuanced perspective.

2. Emotional connection: Being directly affected by the law often leads to a strong emotional connection to the subject matter. This emotional investment can bring passion and credibility to their answers, evoking empathy and understanding from the audience.

3. Expertise: Individuals who have encountered the law in a personal capacity may have gained a significant level of knowledge and expertise in that specific area. They have navigated the legal system, understood the complexities involved, and can offer insights that would otherwise be missed.

4. Relatability: As interview subjects, those directly impacted by the law can effectively communicate their experiences in a relatable manner. They can connect with a wide range of audiences, highlighting the wide-reaching effects of the law on diverse individuals or communities.

5. Advocacy potential: People directly affected by the law often become advocates for changes or improvements. Their interviews can serve as platforms to raise awareness, shed light on important issues, and advocate for policy reform or solutions. They can inspire others to take action or contribute to the dialogue.

Overall, a person who has been directly affected by the law brings authenticity, relatability, expertise, and advocacy potential to an interview. Their personal experiences can offer a unique perspective that enhances understanding and provides valuable insights into the real-world impact of legal decisions.

A person who has been directly affected by the law can bring valuable insights and perspectives to an interview. Here are some qualities that would make such a person suitable for an interview:

1. Personal Experience: A person who has personally experienced the impact of the law can provide first-hand accounts and examples. This can help humanize the issue being discussed and provide a more relatable and genuine perspective.

2. Empathy and Sensitivity: Dealing with legal matters can be emotionally challenging. A person who has been directly affected by the law will likely have a deep understanding of the emotional and psychological impact of legal issues. This can result in an interviewee who is empathetic and sensitive towards others who may be going through similar experiences.

3. Expertise and Knowledge: Going through legal processes can require a person to gain extensive knowledge about the relevant laws and regulations. A person directly affected by the law may have acquired expertise in a particular area, making them well-informed and knowledgeable. This can make them effective communicators and capable of providing detailed explanations and insights during an interview.

4. Advocacy Skills: Having personal experience with the law can fuel a person's passion for advocating for change or raising awareness about certain legal issues. An interviewee who has been directly affected by the law may have developed strong advocacy skills, which can be useful when discussing the topic at hand and promoting meaningful discussions or reforms.

5. Resilience and Perseverance: Going through legal processes and dealing with the impact of the law can be mentally and emotionally challenging. A person who has experienced this firsthand may have developed resilience and perseverance. These qualities can help them stay motivated and committed during an interview, even when discussing difficult or sensitive topics.

6. Authenticity and Credibility: When discussing legal matters, it is crucial to have authentic voices and credible sources. A person who has been directly affected by the law can bring a level of authenticity and credibility to the interview, as they speak from personal experience. This can enhance the overall quality and trustworthiness of the interview.

It is important to note that while a person directly affected by the law can contribute unique perspectives, it is also essential to consider diverse viewpoints and include a range of voices and experiences in any discussion or interview.