calculate surface area of the rectangular and cylindrical tank given the following dimensions:

Rectangular tank
(the tank should have the dimensions of 25 metres by 4 metres)

The surface area of a rectangular tank can be calculated by adding up the areas of all its sides.

In this case, the tank has dimensions of 25 meters by 4 meters.

The top and bottom of the tank each have an area of 25 meters * 4 meters = 100 square meters.
The two sides of the tank each have an area of 4 meters * 25 meters = 100 square meters.
The front and back of the tank each have an area of 25 meters * 4 meters = 100 square meters.

Adding up all the areas, the total surface area of the rectangular tank is 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 600 square meters.

Therefore, the surface area of the rectangular tank is 600 square meters.

To calculate the surface area of a rectangular tank, you need to find the areas of each of its six faces and then sum them up.

The formula for the surface area of a rectangular tank is:

Surface Area = 2 * (Length * Width + Length * Height + Width * Height)

Given the dimensions of the rectangular tank as:
Length = 25 meters
Width = 4 meters
Height = ?

To calculate the surface area, we need to know the value of the height. Could you please provide the height of the rectangular tank?