For the first week of January Scott worked 44 hours at $9.10 an hour. His employer pays overtime for all hours worked in access of 40 hours per week and pays 1.5 times the hourly rate for overtime. Calculate the following for the first week of January. near your response to the nearest cent

1. Regular pay amount
2. Overtime pay
3.gross pay

1. Regular pay amount:

Scott worked 44 hours in total. Since his regular work week is 40 hours, he worked 4 hours of overtime.

The regular pay amount is calculated by multiplying the number of regular hours (40) by the regular hourly rate ($9.10):

Regular pay = 40 hours * $9.10/hour = $364

2. Overtime pay:
Scott worked 4 hours of overtime, and his overtime rate is 1.5 times his regular hourly rate ($9.10 * 1.5 = $13.65).

Overtime pay = 4 hours * $13.65/hour = $54.60

3. Gross pay:
The gross pay is the sum of Scott's regular pay and overtime pay.

Gross pay = Regular pay + Overtime pay
Gross pay = $364 + $54.60 = $418.60

Therefore, the answers are:
1. Regular pay amount: $364
2. Overtime pay: $54.60
3. Gross pay: $418.60

To calculate the requested amounts for Scott's first week in January, we should follow these steps:

1. Calculate the regular pay amount:
- Scott worked 44 hours, so the regular hours (up to 40) will be 40.
- Scott's regular hourly rate is $9.10.
- To find the regular pay amount, multiply the regular hours by the regular hourly rate:
Regular pay amount = Regular hours * Regular hourly rate
= 40 hours * $9.10

2. Calculate the overtime pay:
- Scott worked 44 hours, and the regular hours are 40, so the overtime hours will be 44 - 40 = 4.
- Scott's overtime hourly rate is 1.5 times his regular hourly rate.
- To find the overtime pay, multiply the overtime hours by the overtime hourly rate:
Overtime pay = Overtime hours * Overtime hourly rate
= 4 hours * (1.5 * $9.10)

3. Calculate the gross pay:
- To find the gross pay, sum the regular pay amount and the overtime pay:
Gross pay = Regular pay amount + Overtime pay

Now, let's calculate the values:

1. Regular pay amount:
Regular pay amount = 40 hours * $9.10

2. Overtime pay:
Overtime pay = 4 hours * (1.5 * $9.10)

3. Gross pay:
Gross pay = Regular pay amount + Overtime pay

Please provide the regular hourly rate for me to calculate the values accurately.