At a sale this week a sofa is being sold for $281.60 this is a 68% discount from the original price what is the original price

To find the original price, we can set up the equation:

Original price * (1 - Discount) = Sale price

Let's use "x" to represent the original price.

x * (1 - 0.68) = $281.60

0.32x = $281.60

Dividing both sides by 0.32:

x = $281.60 / 0.32

x = $880

Therefore, the original price of the sofa is $880.

To find the original price of the sofa, you need to determine the price before the 68% discount was applied.

Step 1: Let's assume the original price is represented by 'x'.

Step 2: To calculate the discount amount, subtract the sale price from the original price: x - $281.60.

Step 3: The discount is equal to 68% of the original price. Therefore, multiply the original price by 68%: 0.68x.

Step 4: Set up the equation: x - $281.60 = 0.68x.

Step 5: Solve for 'x':

x - 0.68x = $281.60.

0.32x = $281.60.

x = $281.60 / 0.32.

x = $880.

Therefore, the original price of the sofa was $880.