You usually put your phone up for class, but you’re waiting for a snapchat reply and keep your phone so that you can keep your conversation going.

Is this email sent home, office referral, or verbal warning?

Based on the information provided, it is more likely to be a verbal warning. However, the specific disciplinary action may vary depending on the rules and policies of the educational institution or workplace.

Based on the given scenario, it seems that you are using your phone during class to engage in a conversation on Snapchat instead of paying attention. Depending on the specific policies and rules of the school or workplace, this behavior could result in different consequences. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Verbal warning: A teacher or supervisor may initially give you a verbal warning, reminding you of the rules and expectations regarding phone usage during class or work hours.

2. Written warning or email sent home: If the behavior continues after a verbal warning or if it is considered a more serious offense, you might receive a written warning. In a school setting, this could result in an email being sent home to inform your parents or guardians about the incident.

3. Office referral or disciplinary action: If the behavior persists despite previous warnings, you could face more severe consequences. This might include an office referral, where you are required to meet with a school administrator or supervisor to discuss your actions. Further disciplinary action, such as detention, suspension, or loss of privileges, may also be taken.

It is important to note that the specific consequences will vary depending on the policies and regulations of your school or workplace. It is always best to refer to your school or workplace guidelines to understand the exact consequences for using your phone inappropriately during class or work hours.