what makes a question of comment relevant to a discussion?

A it follows rules set by the group
B it responds to a question
C it explores a idea
D it is clearly connected by the topic
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Yes, I can answer this question.

In order for a question or comment to be considered relevant to a discussion, it should meet certain criteria. These include:

1. It follows the rules set by the group: Relevant questions or comments should align with the guidelines or rules established by the discussion group or platform. This ensures that the conversation stays on track and maintains a specific focus.

2. It responds to a question: If there is a specific question posed within the discussion, a relevant comment or question would address or answer that question directly. This shows engagement with the topic at hand.

3. It explores an idea: A relevant question or comment may introduce a new perspective, expand upon an existing idea, or delve deeper into a specific aspect of the discussion topic. It contributes to the overall understanding and exploration of the subject.

4. It is clearly connected to the topic: For a question or comment to be relevant, it should relate directly to the main topic being discussed. Any tangents or unrelated remarks may be considered irrelevant.

So, a relevant question or comment should demonstrate adherence to group rules, address a specific question, contribute or explore an idea, and maintain a clear connection to the discussion topic.

Certainly! To determine the relevance of a question or comment to a discussion, several factors can be considered. These include:

A) It follows rules set by the group: If there are specific guidelines or rules in place within the discussion group or forum, a relevant question or comment would adhere to those rules.

B) It responds to a question: A relevant question or comment would address or respond to a specific query or topic that has been brought up in the discussion. It directly relates to the subject matter being discussed.

C) It explores an idea: A relevant question or comment may introduce a new perspective, raise an interesting point or idea, or delve deeper into a concept that is being discussed. It contributes to the broader conversation by adding value or generating further discussion.

D) It is clearly connected to the topic: A relevant question or comment should have a clear connection to the main topic of the discussion. It should not deviate too far from the focus of the conversation.

By considering these factors, one can assess the relevance of a question or comment to a discussion.