Select the function of keypunches that were used as one of the earliest input devices.

Key punches were used as one of the earliest input devices to physically punch holes into cards or paper tapes to represent data or commands.

The keypunches, which were used as one of the earliest input devices, had the following function:

1. Data Entry: Key punches allowed users to manually enter data by pressing keys on the machine. Each key represented a specific character or code.

2. Data Encoding: Key punches encoded data by punching holes in a card or paper tape. The position of the holes represented different characters or codes, allowing for the storage and processing of data in a machine-readable format.

3. Batch Processing: Key punches facilitated batch processing, as users could punch a series of cards or create a paper tape with multiple data records. These cards or tapes could then be processed in sequence, allowing for efficient data processing.

4. Verification: Key punches often had a verification feature that allowed users to check if the punched holes matched the intended data. This ensured accuracy in data entry and reduced errors during processing.

5. Program Input: Key punches were also used to input computer programs. Each line of the program would be punched onto a separate card or a section of a paper tape using the key punch, enabling the computer to execute the instructions in the program.

Overall, key punches played a crucial role in early data processing systems by enabling manual data entry, encoding, and program input, thus laying the foundation for electronic data processing.