Bot Caden has $451.78 in his bank account. He charges $38.97 to his debit card buying dinner for his family. Solve to find how much money is left in his bank account. pick one of these answers. $413.19. $490.75. $412.81. $490.85.

To find out how much money is left in Bot Caden's bank account, we need to subtract the amount he charged from his initial balance.

$451.78 - $38.97 = $412.81

Therefore, Bot Caden has $412.81 left in his bank account. Therefore, the correct answer is $412.81.

To find out how much money is left in Bot Caden's bank account after charging $38.97 for dinner, we subtract the amount he charged from his initial balance:

$451.78 - $38.97 = $412.81

Therefore, there is $412.81 left in Bot Caden's bank account. Therefore, the correct answer is $412.81.