What kind of questions help propel discussions?(1 point)


questions about people
questions about people

close-ended questions
close-ended questions

open-ended questions
open-ended questions

questions about facts

questions that promote critical thinking

What kind of questions help propel discussions?(1 point)

questions about people
questions about people

close-ended questions
close-ended questions

open-ended questions
open-ended questions

questions about facts

questions that promote critical thinking and require deeper analysis and interpretation.

open-ended questions

Open-ended questions are the kind of questions that help propel discussions. These types of questions encourage people to provide detailed and thoughtful responses, allowing for a deeper exploration of a topic. Open-ended questions do not have a single right answer and often begin with words like "why," "how," or "what if." They invite individuals to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences, leading to a more engaging and interactive discussion. By asking open-ended questions, you create an opportunity for diverse perspectives and insights to be shared, fostering a more robust and meaningful conversation.