Steven receives $25 for his allowance. The graph shows how Steven spends his weekly allowance. What decimal represents the part Steven will save in 4 weeks?

The graph does not provide information on how much Steven saves each week, so we cannot determine the decimal that represents the part he will save in 4 weeks.

and the answer is???

I apologize for the confusion. Since the graph is not shown, we cannot determine the exact decimal that represents the part Steven will save in 4 weeks. We would need additional information.


Without any information about how much Steven saves each week, it is not possible to provide an accurate decimal representing the part he will save in 4 weeks. However, if we assume that Steven saves 20% of his weekly allowance, then he would save 0.2 * $25 = $5 each week. Therefore, in 4 weeks, he would save $5 * 4 = $20. As a decimal, this would be represented as 20/100 = 0.2 or 20%.

Place the following numbers in order as they would appear on a number line, left to right: 1/2, 1.4, -1, -2.24, 1.95(2 points)

In order, from left to right, the numbers would appear as follows on a number line:

-2.24, -1, 1/2, 1.4, 1.95

Zach just got a grade of a 93 on a report. However, because he turned it in late, his teacher is going to deduct 15 points. What will Zach's final score on the report be? (2 points)






Zach's final score on the report will be 78. The deduction of 15 points from his grade of 93 results in a final score of 78.

Which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze?(1 point)


a notable difference between people, things, events, and ideas
a notable difference between people, things, events, and ideas

the effect that one person, thing, event, or idea has on another
the effect that one person, thing, event, or idea has on another

statistical evidence such as data from a scientific experiment
statistical evidence such as data from a scientific experiment

a significant similarity between people, things, events, or ideas