Which type of bandage is used for applying pressure to a large wound

A sterile gauze pad and an elastic bandage, such as an ACE bandage, are commonly used to apply pressure to a large wound. The gauze pad is placed directly over the wound, and the elastic bandage is wrapped snugly around the area to apply pressure and secure the pad in place. This helps to control bleeding and promote clotting.

To apply pressure to a large wound, a compression bandage is typically used. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to apply a compression bandage to a large wound:

1. Clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
2. Wear disposable gloves to maintain cleanliness and prevent infection.
3. Gently clean the wound with sterile saline solution or clean water to remove any debris or dirt. Pat it dry with a clean towel or sterile gauze.
4. If available, apply a sterile dressing or gauze pad directly to the wound. This will help to absorb any bleeding.
5. Take the compression bandage, ensuring that it is sterile and in good condition.
6. Start by anchoring the bandage on the adjacent healthy skin, away from the wound. Hold the end of the bandage against the skin to secure it in place.
7. Wrap the bandage over the dressing and around the wound firmly, but not too tight to cause discomfort or cut off circulation. Overlap the bandage by about half of its width with each turn.
8. Continue wrapping the bandage in a spiral pattern, ensuring that about half of the previous layer is covered by the next layer. This helps to provide even pressure.
9. Work your way up and down the wound, extending the bandage beyond the wound edges to secure it in place.
10. Secure the end of the bandage by using either clips or tape to prevent it from unraveling.
11. Check for adequate pressure on the wound. The bandage should be snug enough to control bleeding but not so tight that it affects circulation. Assess the pulse, color, and warmth in the area distal to the bandage, such as fingers or toes, to ensure blood flow is not compromised.
12. Reassess the bandage periodically to ensure it remains snug and in place.
13. If bleeding continues or the wound worsens, seek immediate medical attention.

Remember, these steps are for general guidance. In case of a large or severe wound, it is always best to consult with a medical professional for proper assessment and treatment.