John used his debit card to withdraw $55 from the ATM. Then, he wrote a check for $18.00. Which equation represents the total change to John's account for these two transactions?

The equation that represents the total change in John's account for these two transactions is:

(Initial account balance) - (withdrawal amount) - (check amount) = (new account balance)

Let's assume John's initial account balance is A dollars and the new account balance is B dollars.

Therefore, the equation becomes:

A - 55 - 18 = B

To find the total change to John's account, we need to add the amounts he withdrew and wrote a check for.

The equation can be written as:

$55 (withdrawal) + $18 (check) = Total change to John's account.

So, the equation representing the total change to John's account for these two transactions is:

$55 + $18 = Total change to John's account.