what is -6 1/11 as a decimal?

To convert the mixed number -6 1/11 to a decimal, first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

-6 1/11 = -6 + 1/11 = -66/11 + 1/11 = -65/11

To convert this improper fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator:

-65 ÷ 11 = -5.90909...

Therefore, -6 1/11 as a decimal is approximately -5.90909.

What is −4511 − 2411?

To subtract -2411 from -4511, you would perform the following calculation:

-4511 - 2411 = -6922

Therefore, -4511 - 2411 equals -6922.

What is −4 5/11 − 2 4/11?

To subtract -2 4/11 from -4 5/11, you would perform the following calculation:

-4 5/11 - 2 4/11 = -4 - 2 + 5/11 - 4/11 = -6 + (5 - 4)/11 = -6 + 1/11

Therefore, -4 5/11 - 2 4/11 equals -6 + 1/11.


Apologies for the mistake. Let's calculate -4 5/11 - 2 4/11 correctly:

To subtract mixed numbers, we need to ensure that the fractions have the same denominator. Both fractions already have a denominator of 11, so we can subtract the whole numbers and fractions separately.

-4 5/11 - 2 4/11 = -4 - 2 + 5/11 - 4/11 = -6 + 1/11

Therefore, -4 5/11 - 2 4/11 is equal to -6 + 1/11.

What is -4 5/11 + -2 4/11?

To add -4 5/11 and -2 4/11, we first need to make sure the fractions have the same denominator.

-4 5/11 + -2 4/11 = -4 - 2 + 5/11 - 4/11

Now let's subtract the whole numbers and combine the fractions:

-4 - 2 + 5/11 - 4/11 = -6 + 1/11

Therefore, -4 5/11 + -2 4/11 equals -6 1/11.

To convert -6 1/11 to a decimal, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
- Multiply the whole number (-6) by the denominator (11), then add the numerator (1).
- (-6 * 11) + 1 = -66 + 1 = -65
- The improper fraction is -65/11.

Step 2: Divide the numerator by the denominator.
- Dividing -65 by 11 gives you -5.

Step 3: Write the decimal answer.
- The decimal form of -6 1/11 is -5.
- So, -6 1/11 as a decimal is -5.