The weight of an object depends on the force of gravity acting on it. Using the information in the table below, on which planet would an object weigh the LEAST?

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Based on the information given, an object would weigh the LEAST on Mars.

To determine on which planet an object would weigh the least, we need to compare the forces of gravity acting on the object on each planet. The force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of the planet.

The table does not provide information on the mass of the planets, so we cannot determine the force of gravity on each planet solely based on the table.

However, we do know from general knowledge that the force of gravity decreases as we move further away from a planet or when the mass of the planet is smaller.

Based on this information, we know that Jupiter has the greatest mass among the three planets mentioned. Therefore, an object would weigh the least on Jupiter.

So, the correct answer is: Jupiter.