Which of the following statements are true about the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

Their cultures centered around fishing and they worshipped a god who looked like a fish.
Their cultures centered around fishing and they worshipped a god who looked like a fish.
They were advanced in mathematics and astronomy.
They were advanced in mathematics and astronomy.
They built magnificent cities and stone temples.
They built magnificent cities and stone temples.
They were peaceful with neighboring tribes and civilizations.

- They were advanced in mathematics and astronomy.

- They built magnificent cities and stone temples.

What evidence do historians use to show that the Maya had advanced knowledge of astronomy?

(1 point)

Huge temples aligned to the four cardinal directions.
Huge temples aligned to the four cardinal directions.

The Maya developed a 365-day solar calendar.
The Maya developed a 365-day solar calendar.

The Maya had identified all the planets in the solar system.
The Maya had identified all the planets in the solar system.

Maya priests invented the concept of zero.

The statements that are true about the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations are:

- They were advanced in mathematics and astronomy.
- They built magnificent cities and stone temples.

To determine which statements are true about the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations, we can analyze each statement one by one:

1. "Their cultures centered around fishing and they worshipped a god who looked like a fish."
Explanation: This statement is not true for all three civilizations. While fishing may have been important in some regions for sustenance, it was not a central aspect of their cultures. Additionally, none of these civilizations worshipped a god who specifically looked like a fish. Therefore, this statement is false for all three civilizations.

2. "They were advanced in mathematics and astronomy."
Explanation: This statement is true for all three civilizations. The Mayans, Incans, and Aztecs made significant advancements in mathematics and astronomy. They developed complex numerical systems, calendars, and accurate astronomical observations.

3. "They built magnificent cities and stone temples."
Explanation: This statement is true for all three civilizations. The Mayans, Incans, and Aztecs constructed impressive cities and stone temples as centers of their societies. These architectural achievements were notable contributions to their civilizations.

4. "They were peaceful with neighboring tribes and civilizations."
Explanation: This statement is not true for all three civilizations. While it is difficult to make a blanket statement for all interactions within these societies, there were instances of conflict and warfare with neighboring tribes and civilizations. Therefore, this statement is false for all three civilizations.

In summary, the true statements about the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations are:
- They were advanced in mathematics and astronomy.
- They built magnificent cities and stone temples.