How to Round off 5.373 to two significant figure

To round off 5.373 to two significant figures, follow these steps:

1. Identify the first two significant figures. In this case, it's 5.3.

2. Examine the next digit. If it is 5 or greater, increase the last significant figure by 1. If it is less than 5, leave the last significant figure as it is.

In our case, the digit after 5.3 is 7, which is greater than 5. Hence, we round up the last significant figure.

3. The rounded off number to two significant figures is 5.4.

To round off 5.373 to two significant figures, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the digit in the third significant figure. In this case, it is 3.

Step 2: Determine if the digit in the third significant figure is 5 or greater. If it is, you will round up; if it is less than 5, you will round down.

Step 3: Looking at 5.373, the digit in the third significant figure is 3, which is less than 5. Therefore, you will round down.

Step 4: Keep the two significant figures before the third significant figure, which is 5.37.

So, rounding off 5.373 to two significant figures gives you 5.37.