Determine the sign of the product of 17/32×(−1/10).(1 point)

A. negative

Determine the sign of the product of −0.708×−6.24.(1 point)
A. positive

Multiply −5×(−4).(1 point)
A. 20

Multiply 11×−9.(1 point)
A -99

Which of the following shows the Commutative Property of Multiplication?(1 point)
A. a x b = b =x a

A. a x b = b x a

100% right thx

The correct answer is: A. a x b = b =x a

To determine the sign of a product, you need to consider the signs of the factors involved. Here's how you can solve each question:

1. For the product of 17/32 × (-1/10):
- Firstly, multiply the numerators together to get -17.
- Multiply the denominators together to get 320.
- The resulting fraction is -17/320.
- Since one factor is negative, the product is negative.
Therefore, the answer is A. negative.

2. For the product of -0.708 × -6.24:
- Multiply the absolute values together: 0.708 × 6.24 ≈ 4.42192.
- Since both factors are negative, the product is positive.
Therefore, the answer is A. positive.

3. For the product of -5 × -4:
- Multiply the absolute values together: 5 × 4 = 20.
- Since both factors are negative, the product is positive.
Therefore, the answer is A. 20.

4. For the product of 11 × -9:
- Multiply the absolute values together: 11 × 9 = 99.
- Since one factor is negative, the product is negative.
Therefore, the answer is A. -99.

5. The equation A × B = B × A represents the Commutative Property of Multiplication, which means the order of the numbers being multiplied does not affect the result.
Therefore, the correct answer is A. A × B = B × A.