What is the definition of flashback?

A flashback is a literary or narrative device in which a character experiences a sudden and vivid recall of a past event or memory. It is a technique used to provide background information, context, or insight into a character or a storyline by showing a scene or event that occurred before the current point in the story's timeline. Flashbacks are often triggered by certain stimuli, such as sights, smells, sounds, or thoughts, and are commonly used in literature, film, and television as a way to enhance storytelling and develop characters.

What’s a synonym for flashback?

A synonym for flashback is "retrospective."

What’s a synonym for setting?

A synonym for setting is "locale" or "environment."

What is the definition of connotation?

Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations and meanings that are attached to a word, beyond its literal definition. It is the subjective and implied feeling or subtext that a word carries, which can vary depending on the context, culture, and personal experiences of the individual. Connotations can be positive, negative, or neutral, and they play a crucial role in shaping the overall tone and message of a piece of writing or communication. Understanding the connotations of words is essential for effective communication and interpretation of their intended meaning.

Can you use connotation in a sentence?

Certainly! Here's an example sentence that uses the word "connotation":

"The word 'snake' has a negative connotation, often associated with deception or danger."

Write a different sentence