Ping dove off a 10 meter platform. He reached a depth of 6 meters in the water. What was the change in height?

A. 4 meters

B. 60 meters

C. 16 meters

D. 64 meters

The change in height is the difference between the initial height of 10 meters and the final depth of 6 meters, so the change in height is 10 meters - 6 meters = 4 meters.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 4 meters.

To find the change in height, we need to subtract the final depth from the initial height.

Given that Ping dove off a 10-meter platform and reached a depth of 6 meters, we can calculate the change in height as follows:

Change in height = Initial height - Final depth
Change in height = 10 meters - 6 meters
Change in height = 4 meters

So, the correct answer is A. 4 meters.