To investigate the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the Empire Building of the Spanish and Portuguese Empire shows that

1. the church struggled to get access to new colonies 2. the church discourage these countries from building Empires 3. Roman Catholic missionary fought against other colonizers and 4. the church played in important role in both Empires growth

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To investigate the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the Empire Building of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the context
The Spanish and Portuguese Empires were formed during the Age of Exploration, when European countries sought to expand their territories and resources through colonization.

Step 2: Research the church's struggle for access to new colonies
Look for historical sources that discuss the challenges faced by the Roman Catholic Church in gaining access to new colonies. This may include conflicts with colonial authorities or rival religious groups.

Step 3: Research the church's discouragement of empire building
Examine historical sources to determine if the Roman Catholic Church generally discouraged the Spanish and Portuguese from building empires. Look for evidence of religious teachings or official statements that discourage expansionist policies.

Step 4: Research the role of Roman Catholic missionaries
Investigate the involvement of Roman Catholic missionaries in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. Look for evidence of their activities, such as converting indigenous populations, establishing missions, or advocating for humane treatment of native peoples.

Step 5: Research the church's role in empire growth
Explore historical sources that highlight the important role played by the Roman Catholic Church in the growth of both the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. This may include supporting colonization efforts, providing moral and spiritual guidance to settlers, or facilitating the spread of Catholicism.

Step 6: Analyze the findings
Evaluate the information you have gathered and analyze the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the empire building of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. Look for patterns, conflicts, or collaborations between the church and the colonial powers.

Step 7: Draw conclusions
Based on your research and analysis, draw conclusions about the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the empire building of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. Consider the key factors that influenced its involvement and the overall impact it had on the empires' growth.

It's important to note that the exact role of the Roman Catholic Church in the empire building of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires may vary depending on historical interpretations and sources.