Which type of electromagnetic radiation has more energy than visible light and can pass through the human body? radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet light, or x-rays

X-rays have more energy than visible light and can pass through the human body.

Which information about objects in space can spectroscopy provide? Select the two correct answers.

timing of solar flares




Spectroscopy can provide information about the composition and temperature of objects in space.

that didn't help

I apologize for the confusion. Spectroscopy can provide information about the composition and temperature of objects in space.

Which information about objects in space can spectroscopy provide, select the two correct answers.

timing of solar flares




I apologize for the incorrect response in my previous answer. The correct answers are:

1. Composition: Spectroscopy can reveal the chemical elements and compounds present in an object by analyzing the wavelengths of light it emits or absorbs.

2. Temperature: Spectroscopy can provide insights into the temperature of objects by studying the intensity of specific spectral lines emitted by them.

It is helpful to discuss the past because it helps create a . . .

system in which only certain people’s contributions are valued.

list of dates and events to be memorized.

single, agreed upon, and unified interpretation of history.

beneficial understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

The correct answer is: beneficial understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

The study of history helps foster a sense of inclusion because it . . .

tells one story that everyone has agreed on.

allows us to focus on one person’s perspective.

does not allow for us to see similar stories and experiences to our own.

allows us to see ourselves as a valued part of a larger human story.