Which term refers to the general subject of a text?(1 point)



central idea
central idea


supporting detail


Why is it helpful to name the central ideas of a text?(1 point)


to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose
to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose

to help you define the topic of a text
to help you define the topic of a text

to give you an overview of the ideas in the text
to give you an overview of the ideas in the text

to learn additional details about the topic of the text

The term that refers to the general subject of a text is "topic."

The term that refers to the general subject of a text is the "topic". To identify the topic of a text, you can look for keywords, main ideas, or recurring themes throughout the text. Additionally, you can analyze the title, headings, or introductory paragraphs to get a sense of the overall subject. By understanding the topic, you can gain a better understanding of what the text is about and focus on the main ideas and supporting details within it.