The lowest point in the United States is in Death Valley, California, at 282 feet below sea level. The highest point in the United States is on Denali, at 20,310 feet. Find the magnitude of the distance between the two points

To find the magnitude of the distance between the two points, we need to calculate the absolute difference between their elevations.

Absolute difference = |20,310 - (-282)| = |20,310 + 282| = |20,592|

Therefore, the magnitude of the distance between the two points is 20,592 feet.

To find the magnitude of the distance between the lowest point in Death Valley (282 feet below sea level) and the highest point on Denali (20,310 feet), we need to calculate the absolute difference between the elevations.

The absolute difference between the two elevations can be found by subtracting the lowest point from the highest point:

Absolute Difference = Highest point - Lowest point

Absolute Difference = 20,310 feet - (-282 feet)

Absolute Difference = 20,310 feet + 282 feet

Absolute Difference = 20,592 feet

Therefore, the magnitude of the distance between the lowest and highest points is 20,592 feet.