Which of the following actions would have a positive impact on the environment? Select the two correct answers.

A. burning fossil fuels

B. cutting down trees

C. establishing state parks

D. releasing waste water into the ocean

E. using renewable energy sources


Then what is then answer ?

The two correct answers that would have a positive impact on the environment are:

C. establishing state parks: Establishing state parks can help protect natural habitats and wildlife, provide recreational opportunities, and support conservation efforts.

E. using renewable energy sources: Using renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, or hydroelectric power generates electricity with lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduces dependence on fossil fuels, thus positively impacting the environment.

To determine which actions would have a positive impact on the environment, we need to consider their effects. Let's go through each option:

A. Burning fossil fuels: Burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, emits greenhouse gases and contributes to air pollution and climate change. Therefore, burning fossil fuels has a negative impact on the environment.

B. Cutting down trees: Cutting down trees can have negative consequences, as forests play a vital role in oxygen production, carbon dioxide absorption, and ecosystem balance. Deforestation also leads to habitat destruction and contributes to climate change. Therefore, cutting down trees has a negative impact on the environment.

C. Establishing state parks: Establishing state parks is generally considered a positive action for the environment. State parks provide protected areas for biodiversity conservation, wildlife habitat, and natural resource preservation. They also offer opportunities for recreation and education, fostering a greater appreciation and understanding of nature.

D. Releasing waste water into the ocean: Releasing waste water into the ocean can be harmful to marine ecosystems. It can introduce pollutants, toxins, and excess nutrients, causing water pollution, algal blooms, and harm to aquatic life. Therefore, releasing waste water into the ocean has a negative impact on the environment.

E. Using renewable energy sources: Using renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power is widely recognized as a positive action for the environment. Renewable energy helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and dependence on finite fossil fuel resources.

From the options presented, both "C. Establishing state parks" and "E. Using renewable energy sources" would have a positive impact on the environment.

C. establishing state parks

E. using renewable energy sources