Sunshine Bakery

Cristina owns Sunshine Bakery. These are some of the bakery’s most popular products.

Sunshine Bakery

Cristina keeps track of how many items are sold each week so she can figure out how much she needs to bake for the next week. Pretzel rolls are her best-selling bread. Here are the weekly sales of pretzel rolls in March.

Week Number of Pretzel Rolls Sold
March 1–7 287
March 8–14 304
March 15–21 271
March 22–28 316

(1 point)
Rounding to the nearest 10, what is the best estimate of the number of pretzel rolls sold in March? Enter your answer in the box.

pretzel rolls

The best estimate of the number of pretzel rolls sold in March is 310.

To find the best estimate of the number of pretzel rolls sold in March, we can add up the number of pretzel rolls sold in each week and round the sum to the nearest 10.

March 1-7: 287 pretzel rolls
March 8-14: 304 pretzel rolls
March 15-21: 271 pretzel rolls
March 22-28: 316 pretzel rolls

Adding these numbers together, we get:

287 + 304 + 271 + 316 = 1178

Rounding 1178 to the nearest 10, we get:


Therefore, the best estimate of the number of pretzel rolls sold in March is 1180.