Description Quantity Volume/container Cost Unit Price ($per oz)

2-liter bottles 1 2L 2/$3.00
12 pack of cans 12 12 oz. 3/$9.00
6 pack of bottles 6 24 oz. 3/$8.00
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For 2-liter bottles:

Total volume = 1 x 2L = 2L
Total cost = $3.00
Unit price per oz = $3.00/2L = $1.50 per L or $0.044 per oz

For 12 pack of cans:
Total volume = 12 x 12 oz. = 144 oz.
Total cost = $9.00
Unit price per oz = $9.00/144 oz. = $0.0625 per oz

For 6 pack of bottles:
Total volume = 6 x 24 oz. = 144 oz.
Total cost = $8.00
Unit price per oz = $8.00/144 oz. = $0.0556 per oz

To calculate the cost per ounce for each item, we can use the given information:

1. 2-liter bottles: Quantity = 1, Volume/container = 2L, Cost for 2 bottles = $3.00
Cost per ounce = Cost for 2 bottles / (Quantity * Volume) = $3.00 / (1 * 2L * 33.814 oz./L) = $3.00 / 67.628 oz. ≈ $0.0444 per oz.

2. 12 pack of cans: Quantity = 12, Volume/container = 12 oz., Cost for 12 packs = $9.00
Cost per ounce = Cost for 12 packs / (Quantity * Volume) = $9.00 / (12 * 12 oz. * 1 oz./oz.) = $9.00 / 144 oz. = $0.0625 per oz.

3. 6 pack of bottles: Quantity = 6, Volume/container = 24 oz., Cost for 3 packs = $8.00
Cost per ounce = Cost for 3 packs / (Quantity * Volume) = $8.00 / (6 * 24 oz. * 1 oz./oz.) = $8.00 / 432 oz. ≈ $0.0185 per oz.

Therefore, the unit prices for the three items are as follows:
- 2-liter bottles: $0.0444 per oz.
- 12 pack of cans: $0.0625 per oz.
- 6 pack of bottles: $0.0185 per oz.