What page did micheal and fritz officially make it into the SRD in tyhe book projekt 1065

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide information on specific page numbers as it may vary between different editions or versions of the book "Projekt 1065".

To find the specific page in the book "Projekt 1065" where Michael and Fritz officially made it into the SRD (Service des Renseignements de Défense), it would be best to refer to a physical or digital copy of the book.

Here are a few steps to help you locate the specific page:

1. Obtain a copy of the book "Projekt 1065" by Alan Gratz.
2. Open the book or the digital version on your e-reader or device.
3. Use the index or table of contents in the book to navigate to the relevant section.
4. Look for a section or chapter where the mention of Michael and Fritz joining the SRD is made.
5. Once you reach the relevant section, check the page numbers at the bottom or top of each page.
6. Note the page number where the mention of Michael and Fritz officially making it into the SRD is located.

Following these steps should enable you to find the specific page in the book where the information you seek is located.