The image below shows a microscopic creature that is similar to a mite. It is made of more than one cell and can reproduce. This means that the creature is:

1 point
Captionless Image
a unicellular organism
a multicellular organism
a non-living organism
a bacteria

The creature in the image is a multicellular organism.

When you see a piece of lumber, you are looking at the plant's dried __________.

1 point
cell Wall

When you see a piece of lumber, you are looking at the plant's dried cell wall.

The lion in the picture is an example of a(n) _______.

1 point
Captionless Image

The lion in the picture is an example of a heterotroph.

Based on the information given, we can conclude that the creature shown in the image is a multicellular organism.

To determine the nature of the microscopic creature in the given image, we can analyze the information provided. The image shows a creature that is similar to a mite, and it is noted that the creature is made up of more than one cell and is capable of reproduction.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the creature in the image is a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are made up of multiple cells that work together to perform various functions and can reproduce to create new individuals of the same species.